Cost-effective, efficient and professional monthly bookkeeping service – for a fixed monthly
fee, we will keep all your information up to date for you. Plus, if agreed as part of monthly
fee, a qualified accountant will analyse the information and make relevant recommendations
or changes with a view to helping you to grow your business.
Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
We can help you to decide if your work comes under CIS, if so we can advise on registering
as a Contractor or Sub-Contractor ensuring your relevant returns are made on time to
HMRC. We can also undertake these returns for you if you require.
Help with all aspects of tax calculations and relevant liability ensuring tax efficient planning
for you personally or you and your business
Tax Planning
Helping you personally with guidance on relevant aspects of, Income tax, Capital Gains
Tax, Inheritance Tax or helping you and your business with understanding Income tax,
Corporation Tax or VAT returns.